the newbies


Congratulations on your new addition!  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to document this amazing time and precious little newbie for you.  In an effort to communicate newborn session details and expectations, I have put together some information that may be helpful in planning|preparing for the session.  I know just how overwhelming it all is at first so I will aim to make everything as easy and relaxing as possible for you. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.


I prefer to photograph newborns within the first 10 days of birth.  These first few days offer a very sleepy baby, making it easier to take photographs in different positions.  I will travel to your home for the session.  Do expect a THREE hour session time due to the unpredictability of newborns and feeding times.  Typically it does take the entire 3 hours, so sit back and enjoy the ride!  


Upon arrival, I will take a quick look at the natural lighting in your home to determine the best location to set up my backdrop.  Please do not worry about having a clean, organized house for my visit.  I am a mother of three and know exactly what bringing home a newborn and having house guests entails.  With your permission, I will move anything that I feel may inhibit my workspace|setup or be a distraction in the photos.  Anything that is moved will be put back before my departure.


Newborns are used to your body’s temperature in the wound.  Since we will be changing swaddles & wraps as well as taking some photographs in their “birthday suit” it is best to turn up the thermostat in your home to at least 80 degrees.  This will keep them warm and sleepy!


With the newborn session:

1. I aim to take photographs of the newbie alone in a few different positions.

2. closeup shots of baby’s features (hands, feet, nose, toes etc.)

3. baby with mom|dad|siblings together

4. baby with mom | baby with dad

5. baby with siblings

I completely understand how mothers feel about themselves after delivery.  PLEASE let me know if you do not want to be photographed and I will respect your decision and honor your request.  Do keep in mind I typically take more “closeup” shots with parents & baby as opposed to full body shots.

Also, if there are any newborn shots you have discovered on Pinterest (etc.) or visions you have, please send my way BEFORE the session so I can plan accordingly.  Do communicate any personal “belongings” or attire that you would like your newborn to be photographed with BEFORE the session.


I would be terrific if your baby slept through the entire photography session, but that is just not reality!  I will continue to take photographs asleep or awake.  It is ideal to begin the session with a newborn that has had a good feeding (full tummy) and has been kept awake a bit before session start time.  From experience, I will say that “overfeeding” the baby is not recommended.  With such sensitive new tummies this leads to hiccups and discomfort preventing the baby from going to sleep.  DO NOT stress out if your baby is not going to sleep as we hope.  The more frustrated you become, the less likely the baby will cooperate.  I have learned to be patient!  I do recommend a PACIFIER for the session even if you do not intend to use one moving forward.  A pacifier will help in putting the baby back to sleep should I wake them making transitions.  If baby is wide awake, we can proceed with photographing and knock out some of the “family” or “closeup” shots from the shot list.  Lifestyle shots work wonderful in times where baby is awake.


I will do everything to ensure you all have a good experience.  If it is time for a feeding during the session, I will honor the privacy.  I will be preparing for those next shots and reviewing taken ones and need no entertainment.  Once baby is fed and soothed, we can start shooting again.  If you need me to soothe baby, I will be more than happy to!  Again, I am game for the entire session and will push to get the shots for an amazing gallery.  


I will be holding and soothing your infant so rest assured that your photographer’s vaccinations are up to date.  I have also had the Tdap vaccination within the past 2 years.  I clean all my blankets and wraps for each session and wash my hands frequently.


I will send you a “preview” of select images within a week of the session.  You should expect to see the gallery of all images within 2 weeks of the session.  I do my best to stick to this timeline as I know some clients are awaiting a photograph for birth announcements!



apryl dukes-mcdaniel



[email protected]

cumming | atlanta area